Zenon Dance School – Fall Classes in Person and Online

Zenon Dance School is excited to welcome you back for another season of dance this fall! Registration is open for the Fall Session, running September 11-December 17. Classes are held in person unless otherwise noted. Visit our website to learn more!

10:30am: gaga/people with Berit Ahlgren
5:30pm: Contemporary Floorwork with Amanda Sachs

6:00pm: All Levels Hip Hop with Arturo Miles
7:00pm: Beginning 1 Jazz with Allison Rubin Forester

9:30am: Composition/Improvisation with HIJACK – Online-only December 6
5:30pm: Beginning 2 Ballet with Lisa Erickson – Online
5:30pm: Horton-Based Modern with Anna Pinault

9:30am: Advanced Contemporary/Modern with Erin Thompson, with live accompaniment by Dean Magraw
5:30pm: Afro Modern with Roxane Wallace
7:00pm: Intermediate Modern with Dustin Haug

12:00pm: Intermediate 2 Ballet with Tina Wallum, with live accompaniment by Susan Hsu

9:00am: All Levels Yoga with Ariel Linnerson – Online
9:15am: Creative Movement for ages 3-4 with Eliana Durnbaugh
10:00am: Beginning Modern with Roxane Wallace
11:30am: Musical Theatre Jazz with Xan Mattek
12:30pm: Beginning 2 Ballet with Benjamin Johnson, with live accompaniment by Pat Lyles

10:15am: Creative Movement for ages 3-4 with Hannah Gonzalez and Mary Willmeng
10:15am: Creative Movement for ages 5-6 with Sofia Arisian
11:00am: Youth Hip Hop for ages 7-10 with Sofia Arisian
12:00pm: Youth Ballet for ages 7-10 with Sofia Arisian

Location Info

Zenon Dance School
528 Hennepin Ave
Ste 430
Minneapolis, MN 55403

Contact Info

Zenon Dance School