Veils Veins Void: Ruby Josephine Dance Theater’s Premiere Dance Production - February 2 to February 4

Ruby Josephine Dance Theater (RJDT) is thrilled to unveil it’s debut full-length performance as a new company.

Friday, February 2 at 7:00pm – Reception to follow
Saturday, February 3 at 2:00pm
Sunday, February 4 at 7:00pm
The Southern Theater

Imagining what happens when the veils between our material world and the spirit world drop, we follow 8 explorers through this dramatic, intimate and soul-shifting adventure. Each section of the piece takes us through different layers of this revealed space; an exterior awakening in Veils, an interior meditation in Veins, and facing the great eternal unknown in Void.  The atmosphere of this journey is given immersive depth through a full original music score, composed by artist Cooper Lee Smith. Come along with our dancers as feelings resonate, revelations emerge, and questions remain beautifully unanswered.

Direction and choreography: Ruby Josephine Smith
Dancers: Brenna Mosser, Colin Myles Edwards, Jake Nehrbass, Laura Sukowatey, Karen Christ-Aalgaard, Kendall Kramer, Sara Karimi, Shannon Hartle-Dolan
Original Music: Cooper Lee Smith

Tickets: $25/general admission, $20/students.
Reserve your tickets now.

Location Info

The Southern Theater
1420 S. Washington Ave.
Minneapolis, MN 55454


Contact Info

Ruby Josephine Smith