Back by popular demand, Twin Cities Ballet’s groundbreaking hit show returns to the historic Fitzgerald Theater, with live music by popular local band, Momentary Lapse of Floyd. Based on Pink Floyd’s iconic 1979 rock opera, TCB’s The Wall: A Rock Ballet is an ingenious fusion of genres that will captivate ballet patrons, music fans, and the artistically curious alike.
TCB’s ballet interprets the original Pink Floyd rock opera’s music, themes, story arc, and lyrics on a personal, rather than political, level. It explores the life and various relationships with the main character, Pink, and follows his transformative journey of loss, isolation, insanity, and redemption. Through its insightful original interpretation of the emotion and power of Pink Floyd’s story and music, TCB brings this classic rock masterpiece to life like never before!
March 15, 7:30pm
March 16, 7:30pm
March 17, 2:00pm
Tickets from $38.50-$53.50, available at
These activities are made possible by the voters of Minnesota through an operating support grant from the Minnesota State Arts Board, thanks to a legislative appropriation from the arts and cultural heritage fund.