The Blending of Yoga and Feldenkrais Winter Series - December 12 to February 6

The Blending of Yoga and Feldenkrais Winter Series
December 5-February 6
Mondays, 6:00-7:15pm CST
Available as a livestream on Zoom or using the self-paced recordings.

This will be a time to create space and feel what it is like living in this body.

When we have the courage to release places that feel physically stuck, mentally tight, or emotionally restricted, we can uncover a new internal landscape of this body we are living in. In these sessions we will invite space to become a more intimate part of our practice and our life. We will explore ways to move in harmony with our unique needs and how we feel each day, to encourage the body to soften and connect with the feelings of space and freedom.

Scholarships are available for this series. Please contact Sarah directly at for scholarship inquiries.

Contact Info

Sarah Baumert