Dance QUEER TANGO in the Twin Cities!
Welcome to your next steps towards dancing Queer Tango with us, bootcamp style! Imagine where you could be in one month from now. Once you’re armed with these tools, you won’t waste another second wondering about your next step in this tangled tango. The next time this opportunity rolls around, you may be a tango dancing aficionado. And that ain’t dreamin’ too big, my friend!
Class sizes will be limited, so don’t miss out. Limited spaces available. Six hours total of dancing and enjoying each other.
August 6, 5:00-7:00pm
August 7, 4:00-6:00pm
August 8, 4:00-6:00pm
Pre-registration and payment required, $140.00.
Get your questions answered, and get on the dance floor.
Our passion is Argentine tango. Queer Tango is to dance Argentine tango without regard to the traditional heteronormative roles of the dancers, and often to exchange the leader and follower roles. Therefore it is related to open role or same-sex tango. The queer tango movement permit an access to tango for the LGBTQ+ community and also supports female leaders and male followers, regardless of orientation.