Jeffrey Peterson, CLMA, Offers Somatic Coaching in Bartenieff Fundamentals

Seeking greater sensory awareness and connectivity in your body? Or, do you wish to overcome an injury or habitual inefficiency?

Bartenieff Fundamentals (BF) is a series of movement exercises that does the above, encouraging greater function in any body. Jeffrey’s approach to BF focuses on anatomical concepts, imagery, and the developmental patterns championed by Bonnie Bainbridge Cohen. The work considers the whole unique person and the involvements in life that generate physical habitual patterns.

Working together, we will establish goals and craft a plan – whether that is for one or a series of sessions. Whether via Zoom or in person, we will process and detail BF exercises in your mind/body. The work is collaborative and sensate; we will cyclically move and process together.

Jeffrey certified in Laban/Bartenieff Movement Analysis (L/BMA) through Integrated Movement Studies in 2014. Since certifying, he’s taught L/BMA courses at the university level and worked with countless clients – including stroke patients, car accident victims, dancers, and actors. He has over 20 years experience as a movement educator and brings a sensitivity to the uniqueness of our individual embodiment to each client.

Contact Info

Jeffrey Peterson