Give to ARENA DANCES and Your Other Favorites

Your support helps us dream big!

Early giving is open! This is the time to support all the non-profit organizations you love! ARENA has set a big goal of $25,000 for the 2024 Give to the Max Campaign on November 21. While this may seem ambitious, ARENA DANCES has big visions and dreams for the future, needing to raise $100k by May to be able to announce! We invite you to be a part of this journey with us.

Explore all that ARENA has to offer with our upcoming performances, educational outreach, and community initiatives on ourĀ GiveMN page.

If you would like to assist in avoiding all the GiveMN fees to ARENA or other organizations, we encourage you to donate directly to those you support. For ARENA DANCES, you can donate here.

Mathew Janczewski

Contact Info

Mathew Janczewski