Babywearing Dance Class

Young Dance is offering a new class for caregivers with very young children.

Babywearing Dance provides a unique opportunity for parents and caregivers to bond with their babies through the joy of dance. The class incorporates various movements, including swaying, stepping, bouncing, and more. Participants are encouraged to bring their carrier of choice, but holding their baby is also an option. In addition to dance, the class will also include time for socialization with other caregivers.

Participants can register for the session, purchase a 5-class card, or drop in as needed. Caregivers should wear comfortable clothing that allows for easy movement. Bring a carrier of your choice or hold your baby. Most participants take class barefoot, and street shoes are not allowed in the studios. Any shoes worn during class should be clean and only worn indoors.

Fridays, 11:30am–12:15pm
Ages 0–1 with caregiver

Location Info

Young Dance
655 Fairview Ave. N.
St. Paul, MN 55104

Contact Info

Kathleen Pender